Happy Thanksgiving
I can’t believe it’s that time of year. The time of year when the color of leaves change color, leaves are falling from the trees and Last but not least the time of year when we give THANKS for all our freedom’s we are priviledged and blessed to have. That time is Thanksgiving.
I hope this letter finds you and yours all in wonderful health and blessed.
It’s been quite a long time since the last letter. A lot has happened in that time.
Here is a update and “run down” on the whole Richhart family and how we all are doing.
Ashlee- turned 1 this last April and she is now walking and enjoying life. She loves her mommy and daddy and big brother and sister and loves being with all her family. She is the light of everyone’s life. We love you Ashlee.
Kayla- turned 3 years old this year. She is just as sweet as ever. We all love her so much. Kayla loves Dora, Tinkerbell, anything princess. She also loves being with her Big Brother and misses him when he goes to school. She also loves playing with cousin’s, and family and doing everything her big brother and everyone else does. She is very tender-hearted, caring and very very loving.
Dakota- turned 5 this year!!! YAY!! And with turning 5 came a couple of milestones. He first graduated and finished preschool. His preschool had a fun little ceremony and program. He then in the Fall started Kindergarten. And he loves it. He get’s to ride the “Big School Bus!” and he is such a good helper to the bus driver and is really a real awesome student to have in class. He also really loves sitting in the front of the bus. And is just SMART as can be. We are so proud of him.
Jared & Lindsay- Jared and Lindsay have been married about 4 ½ years. They still live in West Valley with the 3 kids. Kayla- Dakota and Ashlee. Lindsay is at home taking care of the kids. Jared still works for the LDS Church at the Distribution center. He has about 8 years of service working full time in his current position. They love their family.
Eric & Marilyn- mom and dad are doing well. They will be celebrating 33 years of eternal marriage on January 12, 2011. Dad was unemployed from his last position of almost 5 years at NPS. But, I’m happy to report that in May 2010- he was hired as a flex officer/security officer for Wakenhut security now known as G4S security. They are doing well. Mom and Dad will be turning the “BIG 60!!” Next year. What a wonderful milestone.
Heidi- I turned 29 this year and will of course be turning the “BIG 30!!” next June. I am looking for a job and also in the process of meeting with financial aid and doing testing to go back to school. Hope to have that all completed and have it done by the new year. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayer’s.
We love all of you so very much and hope you are doing well.
Please do not hesitate to keep in contact and also if your ever in the area don’t be stranger’s and call us and come and visit.
“Mi Casa is Su Casa!”
Eric, Marilyn and Heidi Richhart – 801-250-7733 (home) and 801-633-7805 (Dad’s- Eric’s cell phone) & 801-834-7872 (Marilyn’s- Mom’s cell phone).
Please find a copy of this letter on (Heidi’s blog) @
Eric and Marilyn’s Blog @ http://ericandmarilynrichhart.blogspot.com/
Love, The Richhart’s
January 3rd
January 5th - while grandma's babysitting:
January 6th - this is Grandma & Grandpa in love!
January 7th
Early birthday lunch with Austin
5 years ago